Recently got a new drawing tablet, the XpPen 13.3 pro. I love the tablet, it has a great feel and makes my painstrokes have more character. But the just glitches around the screen and when I try to draw I get pixel art. I do NOT make pixel art.
And even better I'm on my second pen. Because the first one was doing the same thing. And now my third one is coming tomorrow morning. I'd take a screen shot of the ridiculous lines it's creating, but my pen isn't registering to the tablet right now ☠️
If the new third pen of the week works I'll post post the piece I've been TRYING to finish. Otherwise I'm finishing it on my old tablet which doesn't self destruct itself. I don't know who's gonna see this, but I hope you had a good laugh reading this because 3 pens in a week is diabolical
(I have no first-hand experience with drawing tablets, so take what I say with a grain of salt.)
If I were in you shoes I would have visited a local (brick and mortar) computer store and have both the pen and the drawing tablet checked out. Calling first to make sure the magician who can actually deal with that kind of technology will be present on the day you plan on visiting.
"Normally" I would have said to send it to the shop you bought them from or the manufacturer (warranty and all that), but in those cases... Depending on where you bought (like a big company starting with "A") those cases have a tendency to take 3 weeks and return the tablet somewhat scuffed with a note claiming their overworked experts had a look at it and found that it worked according to the specifications they were given (AKA "our technical staff could find nothing wrong with it").
Thanks for your input! I have a warranty, and the issue is distinctly the specific style of pen. Many other people who use the same pen for their tablets face the same exact problems I'm having. But sadly I can't just use a different type of pen, otherwise it won't connect to the tablet. The most the company is doing right now is replacing the pen since the tablet itself works. I think I'm just not going to buy from this company again.